Month: February 2024

The Value of Nonsense

“Some people are very good at sounding sophisticated and intellectual while saying nothing of substance. Do you get fooled?”
– Katherine Brodsky, author and journalist

The following may be counterintuitive, but it is nevertheless true: There can be a great deal of value to be found in verbiage that exists for its own sake, or at least appears to.


The Beltway Driver’s Dream

Contest entry, rejected

Imprisoned in ant-farm condos, the wild is walled away. Trees march between us in nice even rows. Aliens descend weekly to lop the heads off all our dandelions, speaking lovely liquid Português. We cannot have flowers or paint our doors red. I bet the aliens can.

Gates constrain us, curbing channels us, our parking spaces are assigned. Separated by common landings, we nod politely, never speaking. Nightly garbage walks are furtive lest, caught unawares, we meet.


DogeCoin’s Fatal Flaw?

Let me preface this by saying: I hope I’m wrong, but I fear that I’m not.

I’m relatively new to Crypto, though not to computers, currency, the collectibles market, or economics. I’ve understood basic blockchain theory for years, and simply opted to not participate. True wealth, after all, is independent of which coin one uses.


Oh no! Am I becoming a TechBro?

A friend of mine took me aside not long ago. ”John, I’m worried,” he said.

He proceeded to point out several things that I myself am compelled to acknowledge are classic warning signs. After the success of my experiment, I’ve subscribed long-term to the controversial Blue Check over at Twi… X… at TwiX. I’ve since posted a link for DogeCoin tips in my bio. I’ve now got a crypto wallet and I’ve begun speculating at RobinHood.

“Are you still even a writer?” he asked me.
