Month: April 2017

Trump’s National Monuments Review

The news about Trump’s presidency is slowing down.  He’s not doing any less than he was, but he’s starting to get less coverage.

In a way, that’s a good thing.  After all, if only national media had given him a bit less free press during the campaign, we might very well have a different president today.  And, while some of my readers are pleased to have this one, I think even they will agree that media outlets all granting one selected candidate free press is no way to pick a president. (more…)

The Power Of One Person

In case you missed it, the March For Science is taking place today.  Thousands have gathered on the National Mall, tens of thousands in other cities across the country and around the world.  Some came to protest the President’s policies, others to demonstrate in favor of science.  Each goal is laudable; protests are a vital portion of the societal dialogue, and positive demonstrations are if anything more valuable because they are so rare.

And yet, I’m not marching. (more…)

Keep Watching Venezuela

World news sources are covering the big day of riots in Venezuela.  Three were reported killed yesterday as protestors marched, demonstrated, rioted violently, and looted shops in what’s being called the “Mother Of All Protests” against the government of President Nicolas Maduro.  Opposition leaders in the nation’s parliament are calling for more days of protests unless Maduro steps down.

Meanwhile, CNN has announced that Serena Williams is pregnant. (more…)

Mob Kills For Blasphemy: Is Religion Evil?

“…a heated debate over religion with fellow students broke out at the dorm and led to people accusing Khan of blasphemy against Islam. That attracted a crowd that grew to several hundred people, according to witnesses.

The mob kicked in the door, dragged Khan from his room and beat him to death…”

Main Article:

I have faith, myself.

I’ve never burned anyone, or mobbed or stoned them.  I’ve never rioted or chanted or held horror signs outside abortion clinics.  And most of the people I know (more…)

Tomahawking Syria: Questions?

It’s been all over the news, and as far as the actual events are concerned you probably know as much as I do.  There are a few items worthy of note, however, that aren’t all over the headlines, and it’s highly likely the details will be forgotten as the global situation continues to develop. (more…)

Opposing Neil Gorsuch

I know; I know:  One more story on this guy is too many.

Between him, and Trump stumping for him, and the Senate arguing over whether or not to confirm him, and partisan political action committees spending tons of money on attack ads about him, and everyone with a microphone weighing in on the subject in one direction or another, we’re sick to death of hearing (more…)

Another Travel Ban: Your Laptop

On the 21st of March, the Department of Homeland Security quietly released a travel notification update:  On flights from a handful of few foreign airports, no laptops or large electronic devices would be permitted.  For those of you worried about upcoming business travel, no domestic flights will be impacted, but the order can be changed without notice for foreign travel.

It took almost two weeks for major media outlets to pick up on this and dig deeper; CNN was the first, but many others followed their lead.  And the story that’s emerging is that the recent alert is largely (more…)