Month: August 2020

F&L 2020: But I Don’t Wanna!

“But why would you vote third party? Don’t you realize that Trump is an existential threat? It’s not like the Greens will win anyway.”

I’ve heard this dozens of times and in many different ways, but the message is always the same. Substitute Biden for Trump and Libertarian for Green and it still works — though I more often hear words like “disaster” and “horrific” from my conservative friends.


On Price Stickiness and the Plague


Note: The Not Fake News does not give investment advice; the following is opinion only. If you come to us for advice on what to do with your money, you probably deserve what you get anyway, but it needed to be said.

It’s counterintuitive as all get-out, but it’s happening anyway. In the face of massive business closings, record unemployment due to COVID-19, and the Federal government effectively printing trillions of dollars based in nothing but faith in the future, the stock markets nevertheless are booming. So — how is this possible?


The Not Fake News Update, 19 August 2020

It’s easy sometimes to miss what’s really going on in the world while being subjected to the endless distractions of infotainment. And, now that there are so very many of us self-isolating, we have the further limitations of our own personal echo chambers. All things considered, it’s a wonder anyone ever notices anything at all.

So here’s a quick update on what you might have missed in the past few days while paying attention to other things. We hope it may be of use.


So, About The Post Office…


Politicians, the news, and social media are all full of stories about the Post Office: According to most, the present administration is attempting to gut it for nefarious purposes. To this end, they’ve hired a major party donor and Wall Street crony to run it into the ground. This person’s payment will obviously be through his massive investment in competing companies.

One of the first rules of detecting Fake News is the following question:
Is this too good to be true? (more…)

F&L 2020: Trump/Pence vs. Biden/Harris


It’s been decided:  This November, our ballots will feature Biden/Harris for the Democrats; presumably, they’ll be facing Trump/Pence* for the Republicans.  This settles one of the oft-repeated questions from past weeks, “Who will he pick?”, leaving us with… well, with rather more questions.  These include “What will the electoral map look like?”, “How do the candidates stack up against each other?”, and the all-important “Who should I vote for?”

At present, the editorial staff here at The Not Fake News has mixed feelings ourselves on that last question, so we’re not inclined to opine. (more…)

F&L 2020: Kamala Harris (No, Not The Wrestler)

The first major candidate to drop out of the Democratic Primaries, Senator Harris was nevertheless in the race long enough to eviscerate Uncle Joe in the debates and to get spanked by Tulsi in her own turn.  Her fundraising was legendary but her polling was abysmal (particularly after the Gabbard debacle), and she dropped out not only before New Hampshire and Iowa but actually before 2020 — on the 3rd of December 2019, in fact, before even such notable losers as John Delaney and Marianne Williamson.

As a result, we never profiled here alongside the other candidates — a deficit we mean to make up for now.  So who is she really, and what was she before? (more…)

F&L 2020: Is Uncle Joe Senile?


Let’s face it:  As long as Uncle Joe has been campaigning, his foot’s been in his mouth as often as not.  Heck, given his repeated plagiarism, sometimes it’s someone else’s foot.  …Or is that him being creepy?  I lose track.  But that’s O.K., I guess, because so does he.

In any other campaign season, the candidates would need to be out on the road (more…)