Month: August 2019

On Nuking Hurricanes

It’s all over the internet and everyone’s re-posting it, but it’s a myth.  Best as I can tell, there’s zero evidence to the effect that Donald Trump ever seriously suggested we should use nuclear weapons to stop hurricanes.  Sorry, Cillizza; Axios may beat BuzzFeed as a source, but this is still not real news.

Which in a way is kind of a pity, because it’s not as insane as it sounds.

I know, right?  Not a high bar.  But there really is a fascinating (more…)

Buying Greenland

I keep having to say the same thing over and over:  That Donald Trump said something does not in and of itself constitute proof that what he said is wrong.  Today’s case in point is the proposed purchase of Greenland from Denmark.

There’s two reasons this isn’t insanity.  The first is that, on its face, the offer isn’t insane.

Half a dozen times in our history, the United States has purchased land from other countries.  All things being equal, it’s easier (and cheaper) than conquering it outright, so from an American viewpoint it makes good sense.  From a Danish perspective, it’s one of the last of their colonial possessions, so national pride would likely (more…)

American Pacification

This is a study in principles of military history.  It’s here because it’s relevant to modern-day American life.  Follow along even if at first you can’t see why it’s relevant; I’ll explain.

Pacification:  the process of inducing peace on a population, often by forcibly suppressing or eliminating hostile elements

The United States has an excellent track record fighting wars, but historically we’ve had decidedly mixed results ending them, from Vietnam to the Wars On Drugs and Terror.  We’re not unique; enforcing peace on a hostile populace is not a task for which modern armies, particularly those of nations with modern sensibilites, are well suited.  In ancient times, it was the custom to brutally suppress the conquered with mass slaughter and slavery, but such methods (more…)

TRIGGERED: Common Sense Gun Control

This is not being written in response to any particular event.  There was probably one today or yesterday or last week, and CNN no doubt covered it with their usual attention to detail and mechanical concern.  I’m probably pretty sad about it myself.  This is why I’m writing this article on a day when the headlines are about something else.  It’s important to keep perspective.  You can’t create effective policy and solve social problems when you’re too busy yelling or sobbing or both.

Trouble is, I’m furious.  Even today, I can’t help but be furious (more…)