Month: July 2018


Following the press conference between Trump and Putin, the internet was filled with cries of “Treason!”

Today, congressional Democrats have been shouting loudly for the president’s head; remarkably, so have congressional Republicans.  CNN and MSNBC talking heads have echoed this; even Fox News has criticized Trump’s statements.  Everyone seems to agree:  Heads should roll.

But whose? (more…)

Kavanaugh Is Not The Great Satan

It’s been 24 hours since Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court.  Since then I’ve seen him described as a religious ideologue, an ultra-conservative, and (my favorite) a sign that “The American Experiment Is Over”.

This isn’t a slight misstatement, a matter of nuance or a bending of the truth.  It’s laughably, ludicrously wrong.

Look, I get it:  Donald Trump nominated this guy, so he must be evil.  Given some of this president’s other nominees (though hardly all), that’s understandable, the more so if we also consider Mr. Trump’s high scores on the Supervillain Index.  (No cape, and his monologues (more…)

What I’m Not Saying

I haven’t been writing here recently, and a few of you now have asked about it.

It’s not that there’s nothing new to say; that’s for sure.  Every time I read the news, something jumps out at me that begs for a response.  The media is constantly over-hyping the unimportant; that’s worth a mention.  Likewise, during the ensuing firestorm, there’s always things that get missed.  Then too, most of last week’s stories were misreported, but now they’ve fallen off the front page there’s nobody out there correcting the record.

So there’s plenty of worthy topics, and that’s if I just stick to commenting on the media and politics. (more…)