Month: February 2017

The President Wants Your Opinion

There’s a survey the White House has put out in advance of the President’s scheduled first address to a joint session of Congress.  Which promises to be quite a spectacle, of course; given the present antagonistic climate in D.C., I won’t be shocked if the Democrats pull some sort of horrible stunt and if the President responds with a blistering rant.

The White House has me on their mailing list.  I’ve been there for a long time; got grandfathered in from a previous administration (more…)

Protest Fatigue And What Comes Next

For the months following the election, and again for the weeks right after the inauguration, we saw a brief surge of political involvement and activism on a scale not practiced since we got out of Vietnam.  People were angry; they were marching — and it was beautiful.

Even today there are protests, with people out in the icy cold carrying signs and chanting (more…)

Nothing To Fear

A lovely young lady of my acquaintance is going traveling, off on a great adventure.  I’ve been very excited for her, and it was with shock that I heard her talk about her fear while walking into a rural gas station.  “Surely she can’t mean it,” I thought.  “It’s a joke of some sort.”

And then she explained:  It’s a trip through the heart of Trump country, and she’s neither male nor white.  She fears violence, discrimination, and the Klan.

Again, my reaction was startlement.  Shock.  Amazed disbelief.  After all, if there’s (more…)

Sports Desk: There Is No “Fake News”

Editor’s Note:  This is another in our new series of guest columns on current events.  Once again, here’s the infamous Rudyard “Duke” Milhaus, of the Sports Desk .

Huddle up, gather round, people!

There’s a new playbook being used.  It’s not the prettiest set of plays ever to hit the field, but the Opposition started it and now everyone’s picking up on it, so we’re gonna have to learn it too.  It’s called the “Fake News Play”.

The Fake News Doesn’t Tell The Truth

“The Fake News doesn’t tell the truth.”
-President Donald Trump, CPAC speech, 24 Feb 2017

Once again, President Trump spoke out against the Fake News, this time at the CPAC conference at National Harbor.  To be fair, it sounded a lot more powerful when he was talking.  It sounded impressive, deeply meaningful, profound even.  And then I read the words.

Trump sounds great in person.  When you’re watching him with an open mind, he’s an incredibly powerful speaker — but he doesn’t say much.  He’s a skilled orator who uses a third-grade vocabulary to convey simple ideas and make them seem powerful.

The comparison has been made (more…)

To Russia With Love, From The Sports Desk

Editor’s Note:  This is another in our new series of guest columns on current events.  Rudyard “Duke” Milhaus of the Sports Desk is well-known for his passionate commitment to objective journalism.  That we’re publishing his lovely and perfectly neutral article has nothing whatsoever to do with that large-bore handgun he keeps fiddling with.

What’s all this obsession we suddenly have with Russia?  Why is the media being so critical of them?  This is a country that not too many years ago I remember watching as we cheered their peaceful revolution, watched them embrace democracy and capitalism — and now we’re supposed to hate them?!  The new administration apparently wants to get along with them — what’s the matter with that? (more…)

Upcoming Immigration Ban: What We Know

(NOTE:  This article is being written in advance of the new Executive Order designed to function in place of that order of 27 January which has been partially blocked by the 9th Circuit.  It is designed to be predictive in nature.  When the new order finally is released, expect to see this updated with comparisons, but I’ll try to leave my predictions intact so you can see how smart I am — or how foolish, just as the case may be.  The new order has now been released; comparisons are in a separate section at the end of the article.)

One week after taking office, President Trump released an executive order banning travel to this country on certain passports.  I’ve written extensively on the pros and cons of accepting refugees, on the ways the ban went horribly wrong and why, and on the justifications for that ban.  Combining that with the decision of the 9th Circuit to block some of its implementation, we should be easily able to predict what’s about to get ordered. (more…)

I’m Pretty Sure He’s Human

For me, the trouble with writing about politics these days is that it’s too easy to say bad things.

I don’t mean that it’s easy to insult the President and his people.  That’s always easy.  It’s always been easy, truth be told, which is exactly why the media always does it:  They meet their deadlines and win Pulitzers and can still make Happy Hour, and (more…)

News? There IS No News!!

Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got news for you:  There is no news.

Last week, President Donald J. Trump held a press conference.  Everyone’s watched it, commentated on it, annotated it, and shown clips, but for the benefit of those few people with the good sense to change the channel when they saw it coming, here’s a summary:  An hour-long angry rant about fake news and illegal leaks. (more…)

Notes From The Sports Desk

Editor’s Note:  This is our very first guest column, from a brand-new member here at WordPress.  Rudyard “Duke” Milhaus will be manning our Sports Desk here at the only true source for unbiased news on the Web.  I know I can count on you all to make him feel welcome.

So, let’s talk about football, that game where one side tries to move a ball over the other side’s goal line.  A game of military precision, where it’s brutal, and quite frankly damaging to the players. In modern football, there are pads to deflect the blows and minimize the damage done, but injuries still happen from time to time. (more…)