Month: November 2016

I Am Spartacus!

In the days since the election, rumor and hysteria and raw unfounded panic have swept the Internet.  The number of subjects is immense, and not all of them are horribly far-fetched.

“What is Donald Trump going to do to us?”  This is the question on everyone’s lips, and the amount of terror that it causes is pretty amazing.  It’s almost as though people lack faith in their own government for some reason. (more…)

Write A Letter?

The news is full of it.  Lots of people are crushed by the results of the election.  Folks are taking to the streets and protesting; suicide numbers are up a little.  Despair is everywhere.

And that’s wrong.

I’m not going to tell you here just how great a guy Donald Trump is or (more…)

Popular Vote: We Still Don’t Know Who Won

This year, Google has a live results page for the presidential elections.  They’re reporting 100% of the results are counted in most states, and give a definitive result.  So does Politico, and so does CNN.  Each of the three draws their data from the Associated Press.

And all three disagree. (more…)

Discard The Electoral College? Pros and Cons.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote while losing in the Electoral College.  This made her the fifth candidate to have that distinction, following Al Gore’s loss in 2000.

There’s been a growing movement aimed at eliminating the Electoral College entirely, and converting the country to a popular vote standard.  There are certainly (more…)