Month: February 2016

Why Gas Is Cheap (Hint: It’s Bad News)

Some of my olde– uh… more experienced readers may remember when gasoline first topped one dollar a gallon at the pumps.  If you’re finding it tough to put a date to the event, here’s some hints:  Jimmy Carter was President, there were hostages in Iran (which was about to be at war with Iraq), and America was in the grip of an energy crisis. (more…)

Causes Of Autism: Including An Addendum On Vaccines

Disclaimer:  The author of this article is not a medical professional, and none of what follows is intended to be authoritative information.  The intent of this article is to provide a general approximation of modern medical knowledge on the subject of the causes of autism, simplified for ease of understanding.  Since much of modern medical knowledge on this subject is theory and speculation, nothing that follows can be considered absolute; since much of the following is simplified, this is doubly true.


The following is a potentially dangerous subject, one where the majority of my readers may have already formed their opinions before coming here.  It’s a subject that naturally generates strong opinions, and this is entirely understandable:  Childhood autism diagnoses (and misdiagnoses) have risen drastically in the industrialized world over the past few decades, and yet as a general rule it’s difficult in any one case to point to any definitive cause. (more…)

Shit Happens.

It’s a proverb.  It’s axiomatic.  We all know it to be true, somehow, deep in our hearts, that life happens to us rather than the other way around.  There must be a natural law to that effect, that while we plan and work and follow the rules, fate’s getting ready to throw a wrench in the works. (more…)

What’s Wrong With Corporations

An offbeat news story broke not long ago about a connection between the Zika virus epidemic in Brazil and a recent release of genetically modified mosquitoes.  Folks picked up on it, and now it’s becoming a common theme on the internet.  Best as I can tell, there’s zero truth to the rumor, but it got me thinking:  Why is this sort of thing so easy for us to believe?



Iowa: Everybody Lost Big

The caucusing is over; the choice is made; the numbers are in.  And we know who won and who lost, pretty much; unlike last time, the results are pretty reliable.  But even though the numbers don’t lie, by themselves they don’t tell the whole truth. (more…)