
F&L: Amy Klobuchar and the Klobucharmy

Our second-most-famous Slovenian-American is running for president, and I happen to think she’d do a fine job.  She’s intelligent, witty, thoughtful, and has scads of policy expertise.  She also, and quite famously, does not suffer fools gladly.

Perhaps you can see why I like her. (more…)

Help Fight Stupidity!

Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen:  This is war, and we need you.

I have read your learned articles on the healthcare debate.  I have reviewed your proposals on climate change and environmental protection.  For the many (the most of us) who haven’t written or even linked any of those, I’ve read your angry memes and mocking anti-Trump and anti-Republican posts.  I have seen these things, my friends, and in listening, the source of your anger has become apparent, as has the problem’s only solution.

The trouble is, you’re sick of corrupt morons in charge of things, and you’re tired of being treated like an idiot yourself by everyone running for office.  Tell me I’m wrong; I dare you. (more…)