
Gun Violence: First, Identify The Problem

There are some of you out there shouting, “The problem is gun violence! Just get rid of all the guns!” Some others respond, “You can have my guns when you pry them from my cold dead fingers!” (Evidently, they never watched the original “Red Dawn”.)

It’s possible you’re honestly deluded or optimistic beyond belief, in which case nothing I write can possibly get through to you. On the other hand, perhaps you came here expecting an argument in which the loudest voice wins, or a negotiation where everyone meets halfway from the opening positions. Either way, that’s not what this is. The purpose of this article is to break down known statistics for the benefit of the 80% of Americans who want change, so we can make intelligent decisions.


Toward Effective Firearms Laws

Wars and government atrocities aside, the United States has more spree shootings than any other country each year.

This is a problem that demands discussion between reasonable and intelligent people.  Unfortunately, the political climate in this country is one of extreme and entrenched polarization; moral certitude precludes (more…)

Keep Watching Venezuela

World news sources are covering the big day of riots in Venezuela.  Three were reported killed yesterday as protestors marched, demonstrated, rioted violently, and looted shops in what’s being called the “Mother Of All Protests” against the government of President Nicolas Maduro.  Opposition leaders in the nation’s parliament are calling for more days of protests unless Maduro steps down.

Meanwhile, CNN has announced that Serena Williams is pregnant. (more…)

Not Korea Or Syria, But Venezuela

Caracas is about five hundred miles south of Puerto Rico, and it’s home to one of the most troubled economies in the world.  And, while the United States has indeed played a part in letting this happen, as a whole it’s mostly the fault of the Venezuelan government.

Books could be written here, and some no doubt have been.  I’m going to keep this short, however, and in order to do that (more…)

Resist Honestly

President Donald J. Trump:  The words are painful for many of us.  This is understandable; his persona is not one that engenders trust and comfort, and we’ve had it easy for eight years.  Obama was quietly charismatic and sought bipartisanship; Trump is almost diametrically opposite.  So yes, it’s a bit of a shock.

Since the inauguration, Mr. Trump’s opponents both in the (more…)

Stop The War On Drugs

The “War On Drugs” has failed, and we lost.  We’ve spent billions of dollars annually and trillions overall, and we’ve accomplished two things:  We’ve increased the street price of drugs, enriching the cartels in the process, and we’ve imprisoned millions of our own citizens, hopelessly overburdening the criminal justice system by so doing.

We have completely failed to eradicate drug use.

Some of you think I’m nuts already, and that’s fine.  I’ll provide a bit of history next and you can decide afterward if the facts justify my statements. (more…)