
Let’s Make Change Happen

Something I keep hearing, over and over: “My vote doesn’t matter!”

It’s either that or another similar message, like, They’re all bought and paid for anyway, or One person can’t change things, or even I’m too busy.

Nonsense! I’m writing today to tell you not only that change is possible, not only that you have the power to help, but exactly how you can do this.


Bristol Bay: It’s Time To Act

(Note: This article is from 2017 and has not been updated.)

Today and tomorrow, if you happen to be in Alaska (and nearby), you can go to a public meeting about an EPA rules change.  If you’re not one of the lucky few, you can still weigh in by email by clicking hereAnd you want to weigh in, even if you don’t know it yet.  So do all your friends, so Share this post.

This hasn’t gotten a lot of airtime (more…)

Sessions Testifies, Says Even Less

Congress hasn’t been this popular since Iran-Contra.

I don’t mean ‘popular’ as in ‘people approve of it’; even the best Congresses rank slightly below pit scorpions on the trustworthiness index.  But it’s been the highest-rated show on daytime television, and that’s pretty impressive for a hidebound government institution.

The most recent episode was the televised (more…)

Stupid Move: Why Russia Is A Mistake

The United States House of Representatives is one of the most universally detested and despised body of lawmakers in existence.  Their approval rating is generally only just in the double digits, and most citizens would sooner trust used car salesmen.  A 2013 survey ranked congress south of head lice, root canals, and colonoscopies.

Much of this bad reputation is undeserved.  Sometimes, though, it’s hard to remember why (more…)

Scoring A Touchdown

(Editor’s Note:  This is another in our ongoing series of guest columns on current events.  Rudyard “Duke” Milhaus of the Sports Desk is well-known for his passionate commitment to objective journalism.  Unfortunately, due to his exhausting schedule of hands-on research into America’s prisons and substance abuse problems, this is the only picture of him we can find.)

Have you ever tried to bargain with someone?  To dicker?  You know, tried to get the best deal on a car, or something else that’s flexible in price?  How you do it is, you start out with an extreme offer, then slowly work your way to a price that’s more in the middle ground, somewhere between what they want to get and what you want to pay. (more…)

Sports Desk: There Is No “Fake News”

Editor’s Note:  This is another in our new series of guest columns on current events.  Once again, here’s the infamous Rudyard “Duke” Milhaus, of the Sports Desk .

Huddle up, gather round, people!

There’s a new playbook being used.  It’s not the prettiest set of plays ever to hit the field, but the Opposition started it and now everyone’s picking up on it, so we’re gonna have to learn it too.  It’s called the “Fake News Play”.

To Russia With Love, From The Sports Desk

Editor’s Note:  This is another in our new series of guest columns on current events.  Rudyard “Duke” Milhaus of the Sports Desk is well-known for his passionate commitment to objective journalism.  That we’re publishing his lovely and perfectly neutral article has nothing whatsoever to do with that large-bore handgun he keeps fiddling with.

What’s all this obsession we suddenly have with Russia?  Why is the media being so critical of them?  This is a country that not too many years ago I remember watching as we cheered their peaceful revolution, watched them embrace democracy and capitalism — and now we’re supposed to hate them?!  The new administration apparently wants to get along with them — what’s the matter with that? (more…)

Why Aleppo Is So Important

While the White House and a couple of Senators are loudly Trump-eting about the alleged Russian involvement in an email hack, we’re missing out on a major news story:  The civil war in Syria is all over bar the shouting.  (And inevitable reprisals.)

Don’t mistake me:  The email thing is important.  I believe it will drive our news for much of the next year, and the results could be extremely impressive.  But Aleppo is huge, and (more…)

Prayer vs. Gun Laws

The New York Daily News is renowned for attention-grabbing headlines.  “Anything to sell a paper” could be their motto (and some say it is).  Today, they’ll be printing “God Isn’t Fixing This” on the front page as a slap at the Republican presidential candidates. (more…)