
A Note On Gaza


The amount of propaganda being spread in this war is appalling. That people choose to believe it without confirmation just because it happens to agree with their own biases… arguably that’s worse.

There exists an anti-American propaganda account on TwiX today that generates millions of hits by celebrating military atrocities committed by Russia, acts of terrorism by Hamas and Hezbollah, and civilian casualties of war. On it, corpse porn is reposted every fifteen minutes in order to generate profitable ad-share, subscriptions, and donations. It is too big to be toppled by the Community Notes mechanism.

Mind you, it’s unreasonable to blame the platform. Virtually every other social media organization permits the same thing in the name of free speech.


Objects In The Mirror

It’s been quite a year, after quite a year.

The funny thing about 2017 was, we were still recovering from 2016.  We still haven’t recovered from 2016 today.  Here’s an example:

If you observe casually that the 2016 presidential race pitted two (more…)

Resist Honestly

President Donald J. Trump:  The words are painful for many of us.  This is understandable; his persona is not one that engenders trust and comfort, and we’ve had it easy for eight years.  Obama was quietly charismatic and sought bipartisanship; Trump is almost diametrically opposite.  So yes, it’s a bit of a shock.

Since the inauguration, Mr. Trump’s opponents both in the (more…)

Stag Arms: Villain Or Victim?

For those of you who have been following the news, the recent announcement by Stag Arms about their plea deal with the ATF is unsurprising.  For those of you that haven’t been paying attention, here’s a basic rundown:

Stag is a true niche manufacturer.  They assemble the only version of the AR-15 presently on the market that’s designed for left-handers, specifically (more…)