
Indictments (After Donne, Meditation XVII)

Indictments are being handed down tomorrow. By the time you read this, there’s a good chance they’ll be out, and someone will be facing charges.

They’ve been oddly public about this, leaving us to speculate over a whole weekend about who the unlucky sod is going to be that’s first into the inquisition. Will it be Manafort? Kushner? No doubt there are a few deluded Trump supporters that honestly think Hillary Clinton is about to get indicted. (more…)

Nothing To See Here; Move Along

(or, Why I Haven’t Written Much Lately)

Most of my posts here are about current events.  When an important new law gets signed, I’m all over it; when there’s a big mystery or scandal, I’m right here with my opinion.  Normally, when there’s a pause in the news for whatever reason, I’ll chime in with a suggestion on policy.

Trouble is, right now, nothing’s happening, and what is happening is just more of (more…)

Sessions Testifies, Says Even Less

Congress hasn’t been this popular since Iran-Contra.

I don’t mean ‘popular’ as in ‘people approve of it’; even the best Congresses rank slightly below pit scorpions on the trustworthiness index.  But it’s been the highest-rated show on daytime television, and that’s pretty impressive for a hidebound government institution.

The most recent episode was the televised (more…)

Resist Honestly

President Donald J. Trump:  The words are painful for many of us.  This is understandable; his persona is not one that engenders trust and comfort, and we’ve had it easy for eight years.  Obama was quietly charismatic and sought bipartisanship; Trump is almost diametrically opposite.  So yes, it’s a bit of a shock.

Since the inauguration, Mr. Trump’s opponents both in the (more…)

Elizabeth Warren: Heroic Martyr?

In a few hours, the Senate will vote on whether Senator Jeff Sessions is worthy of being confirmed as Attorney General of the United States.

He’s faced opposition before.  During his confirmation for a Federal judgeship in 1986, Sen. Ted Kennedy led the charge against him, and a condemnatory letter from Coretta Scott King was read into the Senate record.  After that, his name never made it out of committee.  And last night, the letter was read again and the speech excerpted — but this time with a different result.

Every major media outlet is talking about Senator Warren’s fiery oration and her subsequent (more…)

DeVos In – No Surprise

Yes, the mainstream media got it right:  Betsy DeVos, widely detested and universally understood to be a completely unqualified Cabinet appointee, has been confirmed as Secretary of Education by the Senate.

And while a lot of people are disappointed, nobody’s really surprised by this. (more…)